How Well You know MYSQL
Create a Table named as Elevn with A database named Markheet
where Table is like this.
where RNO and Name = Varchar
and Physics ,maths,Chemistry,total= integer
RNO NAME Physics Maths Chemistry Total
1 Ram 89 92 83
2 Sam 67 78 99
3 Ron 76 98 65
4 Julia 100 34 54
5 Harry 80 9 95
1. Change value of maths of student harry from 9 to 98
2. Display details of students in descding order
3. Calculate total marks of each student
4. add a new column named Percentage
5. Do Calculate Percentage of each student
6. Find The Student who scored highest and lowest Marks
7. Delete record of Julia
8.Display Marks of student in physics
1. in descending order.
2. In acsecding order.
9. Change Datatype of RNO from Varchar to int
10.Use select command with a wildcard
11. Rename Elevn as Eleven
12.Making use of select command show use of
1. clauses (where ,in, from)
2,arithemtic operator
3. && and Or operator
4.Like keyword.
13.Delete Database Markheet. and Then Create a new Database Marksheet.
Now Answers of the question .
// Create table and Marksheet
create database Markheet;
create table elevn(
RNO varchar(4),
Name varchar(8),
Physics int,
Chemistry int,
Maths int,
Total int);
Alter table elevn add percentage float;
insert into elevn(RNO,Name,Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Total,percentage) values('1','Ram',89,92,83,(Physics+Chemistry+Maths),total/3);
insert into elevn(RNO,Name,Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Total,percentage) values('2','sam',67 , 78, 99,(Physics+Chemistry+Maths),total/3);
insert into elevn(RNO,Name,Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Total,percentage) values('3','Ron',76 , 98, 65,(Physics+Chemistry+Maths),total/3);
insert into elevn(RNO,Name,Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Total,percentage) values('4','Julia',100 ,34, 54,(Physics+Chemistry+Maths),total/3);
insert into elevn(RNO,Name,Physics,Chemistry,Maths,Total,percentage) values('5','Harry', 80 , 9 , 95,(Physics+Chemistry+Maths),total/3);
update elevn set Chemistry=98,Total=Physics+Chemistry+Maths,percentage=Total/3 where RNO='5';
1.update elevn set Chemistry=98,Total=Physics+Chemistry+Maths,percentage=Total/3 where RNO='5';
2. Select * from elevn order by Total desc;
3. (Physics+Chemistry+Maths)= Total;
4. Alter table elevn add percentage float;
5. Percentage= Total/3
6.Highest= Harry
Lowest= Julia
7.Delete from elevn where RNO='4';
8. Select * from elevn order by Physics desc;
Select * from elevn order by Physics asc;
9.Alter table elevn modify RNO int;
10. Select * from elevn;
11.Alter table elevn Rename to Eleven;
Desc Elevn;
Question 12
1. Select * from elevn where percentage in (91,62.3,66,80,46,50);
2. Select * from elevn Where total/3=91;
3.Select * from elevn Where percentage=91 or percentage= 62.3;
Select * from elevn Where percentage=91 && percentage= 91.00;
4.Select * from elevn Where Name like 'R%';
-- this will show name starting with R
to show name ending with m
Select * from elevn Where Name like '%m';
13. drop database Markheet;
create database Marsheet;
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